Wednesday, March 12, 2008

March 15, 2008

Called the Ides of March.
The day Caesar turned to toast.
Better as salad.


Anonymous said...

Back to the Future?
I don't know what day it is.
I am so confused.

(MDM --- I assume you've left on vacation and, to fulfill your commitment to your better half, decided to post your Haikus in advance? An admirable move, especially since you knocked out four good ones, within 7 minutes, all after midnight. You're the master. If my assumption is correct, then my best wishes for a great vacation. I'll miss the daily dose until you return.)

Anonymous said...

What happened to Neilbird?

Anonymous said...

Now it's the 16th
and there is no new Haiku.
You've left me hanging?

mdm said...

Sorry, people. Sequence of above comments is a little out of whack. I was away for a few days, so couldn't post them as received.