Thursday, February 28, 2008

February 28, 2008

Our organs can talk.
Belch is how a stomach says
Thank you ever so.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes mine talks too.
But you don't want to hear that.
If you get my point.

mdm said...

That's not your stomach.
And I don't want to hear it.
Guess: You live alone.

Note: see new comments on February 22.

Anonymous said...

So one more son speaks!
He just doesn't count too good.
That's OK by me.

Glad we're not alone.
By the way, I know them all.
They're really nice boys.

And I don't live alone.
Though I'm sure I deserve to.
But for the grace of . . .

Anonymous said...

(And by the way, I really regret that I did not end my first comment by saying "If you get my 'drift.'" Seems all my best ideas come too late.)

mdm said...
