Friday, February 22, 2008

February 22, 2008

Fan base is swelling.
Just blasted past two or three.
Oops. That's counting me.


Anonymous said...

Hate to burst bubbles,
but you plus me makes just two,
for the last few weeks.

Susan quit 2/4
Anonymous 2/13
(but Anon's don't count)

Liz quit on 2/3,
even your son is silent
at least since last month.

But never lose heart,
art is art, even unseen,
and I'm still a fan.

mdm said...

In your research of commenters, you omitted tania-tarantula, pam, jennifer and my wife. But, alas, they too are long commenters. (Don't want to start a rumor that my wife and I split over a blog.)

But -- I beg to note -- I'm compelled to point out that there are more readers than commenters. (Upwards of one and a half, by my count.)

And as long as you hang in there with me, I'm having fun.


P.S. And if you keep giving clues, I may eventually figure out who you are, but it's not really important that I know. May be to you if, after all, I do owe you money.

If so, send me a bill in haiku.

Anonymous said...

There are other sons
Reading yes, commenting not much
Where does the time go?

Thank you, thank you, thanks
Got this thing all figured out
5-8-5? Stupid?


mdm said...

Not stupid at all
Oh thou one of many sons.
Haiku takes both hands.